AVAIYA University Presents: Overcoming Toxic Relationships & Narcissistic Abuse
to Sep 29

AVAIYA University Presents: Overcoming Toxic Relationships & Narcissistic Abuse

AVAIYA University Presents: Overcoming Toxic Relationships & Narcissistic Abuse

Featuring Ian McNaughton, PhD

Beginning September 23rd, 2024

Join Ergos Faculty Ian McNaughton, PhD for a FREE, AVAIYA University online series that he is participating in - specifically designed to help you overcome your relationship trauma, break free from toxicity, and experience the respect, love & healthy relationships you deserve!

It's called Overcoming Toxic Relationships & Narcissistic Abuse [and begins September 23rd.]

This online series is brought to you by iKE ALLEN & Ande Anderson, Co-Owners of AVAIYA University (creators & teachers of transformational courses, books, films and online events such as Healing Childhood Trauma & Building Self-Worth, Healing PTSD & Emotional Distress, Overcoming Anxiety & Depression, and many more).

Here’s just some of what you’ll learn from 30+ relationship experts, psychologists, best-selling authors & more:

  • Create Your Toxic Relationships & Narcissistic Abuse Healing Toolkit: Learn methods and practices to release your trauma and free yourself once and for all.

  • Toxic Relationship Red Flags: Learn the warning signs whether with a romantic partner, parent, child, neighbor, boss, colleague & more

  • Common Mistakes To Avoid: When separating from abusive partners & discover the roadmap out of toxic relationships.

  • Resolve The Trauma Stored In Your Brain & Body: Learn how to decrease Complex PTSD symptoms like fear, shame, guilt & more.

  • Letting Go of the Dream: How grieving a toxic relationship can set you free.

  • Let Go of the Fantasy That Things Will Get Better: How to move forward into a healthy future. 

  • Learn To Thrive After Narcissistic Abuse: Discover healing techniques, break trauma bonds & open yourself up to finding real love.

  • Understanding Your Wounded Self: How childhood trauma shapes you & your adult relationships.

  • Why High Achieving Women Are Magnets for Emotional Predators: How to recognize your vulnerability, stop trying to prove your worth & come back to yourself.

  • Breaking Free To Rediscover Yourself: Reconnect with who YOU are outside of narcissistic relationships & rebuild your self-esteem. 

  • How to Practice Self-compassion, Self-respect, Brain and Body Trauma-healing Techniques & so much more!

After you register, keep an eye out for AVAIYA’s email for specific details on accessing the expert classes. (Replays will be available for 24 hours after each class airs).

Presented by Avaiya University - please click the button below for registration & customer service.

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The Embody Lab Presents: Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy Certificate
to Dec 13

The Embody Lab Presents: Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy Certificate

The Embody Lab Presents
Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy Certificate

featuring Dr. Peter A Levine and more

September 29th - December 13th, 2024
Live & Online

The Embody Lab is bringing together the world’s most renowned Somatic Trauma Therapy teachers into one Somatic Trauma Certificate Program! This is a unique opportunity to study with incredible teachers who have inspired my own practice and teachings. 


✨Key principles of somatic trauma healing approaches for both individuals and the collective. 

✨Up to date evidence-informed approaches to treating and healing trauma. 

✨Practical mind-body therapy tools to resource and prepare for trauma processing.

✨The role of Polyvagal Theory as an essential foundation in trauma reprocessing.

✨The dynamics of post-traumatic hyper-arousal or hypo-arousal states.

✨Gain a road map to facilitate resilience. 

✨Identify self and collective-care practices for boundaries, energy and protection against vicarious trauma.


The program starts September 29th Live & Online PLUS The Embody Lab gives you lifetime access to the On-Demand recordings at no extra cost. 

Are you ready to help heal trauma from a holistic and body-based unified approach? Are you committed to transforming pain and challenges into growth, meaning, change and resilience? 

The Embody Lab’s course is a great place to start. 
Key Dates:

  • July 28th - First Information Session

  • Sep 15th - Final Information Session

  • Sep 24th - Meet the Faculty

  • Sep 29th - Course Commences & Registrations Close

Presented by The Embody Lab - please click the button below for customer service.

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Ergos & The Embody Lab Presents: The Wisdom of Trauma Healing Immersion
to Oct 25

Ergos & The Embody Lab Presents: The Wisdom of Trauma Healing Immersion

Ergos Institute & The Embody Lab Presents
The Wisdom of Trauma Healing Immersion

featuring Dr. Gabor Mate, Dr. Peter A Levine, and Dr. Scott Lyons

Special guest Dr. Bessel van der Kolk

October 20th - 25th, 2024
Kripalu, Stockbridge, MA & Online

Ergos Institute of Somatic Education and The Embody Lab present this six-day, in-person, and live-streamed embodied exploration of trauma healing.

Join us for a transformative journey at The Wisdom of Trauma Healing Immersion, led by Dr. Peter A. Levine,  Dr. Gabor Maté, and Dr. Scott Lyons.

At this incredible six-day event, you will learn how to access the wisdom of the body, the science and practice of mind-body unity, and the blueprint for restoring vitality, flow, and resilience. You will also utilize somatic embodiment practices to attune to your internal compass, guiding you towards healing.

Throughout this immersion, we will explore themes such as how the body keeps the score, the developmental trajectory of trauma, how reclaiming stress restores our adaptability, the cultural causation of disease and addiction, the link between individual and collective trauma, and how to embrace and incorporate insight after a traumatic impact.

The immersion will offer many rare opportunities to observe or participate in live demos of Compassionate Inquiry and Somatic Experiencing®, where you will witness the body's innate wisdom of healing.    

Whether exploring your own healing, deepening your skills as a therapist or coach, or simply curious about somatic therapeutic approaches to trauma, this 6-day immersion will offer valuable insights and tools to enhance your well-being.

Take advantage of this unique opportunity to connect with a supportive community of like-minded people. Whether in-person or online, we hope to see you in October.

This program is a collaboration presented by Ergos Institute & The Embody Lab

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Ergos Presents: Working with Suppressed Life Energy w/ Dr Levine & Dafna Lender, LCSW
to Oct 30

Ergos Presents: Working with Suppressed Life Energy w/ Dr Levine & Dafna Lender, LCSW

In-Person Workshop

Working with Suppressed Life Energy 

Embodied Practices for Healing Attachment Trauma Combining
Somatic Experiencing® (SE™) and Integrated Attachment Family Therapy

Peter A Levine, PhD & Dafna Lender, LCSW

Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health
Stockbridge, MA

Includes a post-workshop Zoom Integration and Q&A session w/ Dafna Lender
Continuing Education Credits will be announced when secured

Do you work with kids?

Interested in working with kids in the future?

Work with distressed clients who once were kids?

Do you care for a child or plan to care for a child?

Or were you ever a kid yourself, and you are now in need of more aliveness?

If yes to any, this workshop may be for you!

About this one-of-a-kind Workshop

Attachment trauma interferes with many aspects of a person’s functioning, one of which is the capacity for joy and connection through play or energetic and “free” interactions. Many clients who experienced harsh, unsupportive, neglectful, or abusive childhoods have trauma embedded in their play history.

Imagine, for example, that a child plays too loudly or exuberantly and is then yelled at, shamed, hit, or harshly punished. If play is chronically overshadowed by this type of interpersonal trauma, a small impulse of boldness or playfulness may feel dangerous. However, play behavior for both adults and children, is crucial for the positive aspects of living a fulfilling life: being able to joke, laugh, dance, be spontaneous with others, and feel exuberance, amusement, and a sense of lightness and energy is essential to living a full life.

Learning how to tap into play energy must be a focal point in healing work because play energy is a vehicle for resolving interpersonal trauma. Harnessing the life energy of play in psychotherapy, whether with children, adults, or couples, can help clients overcome aspects of their traumatic past and re-capture their sense of “aliveness” and connection.  

This workshop, with Dr. Levine and Dafna Lender, will provide tools and strategies for purposefully and mindfully using play techniques focused on the basic play principles: the social engagement system (voice, movement, touch, gestures, facial expressions, eye contact) to produce surprise, laughter, synchrony, joy, energy, and creativity. The workshop will also emphasize the importance of co-regulation, attunement, and repair between therapist and client.    

During this Workshop, together we will…

  • Demonstrate the role of play in attachment and development of self-regulation

  • Discuss the psychic effects of being traumatized during play

  • Assess our (and our clients) play history to determine which types of play interventions are indicated

  • Apply embodied play techniques for enhancing connection, aliveness, and energy

  • Utilize play techniques for practicing self-regulation

  • Use natural moments of rupture and repair in play to develop resilience

  • Compare intensity, quality, and types of play for different client presentations

  • Apply working with our inner child (and that of our client) through enactment, role play, and guided meditation to release the trauma around playful energy, erotic energy, exuberance, and joy

  • Explain the evolutionary underpinnings of trauma, the Polyvagal theory, and flight, flight, freeze, and collapse

  • Demonstrate interventions to help children increase tolerance for negative bodily sensations and suppressed emotions

  • Discuss how these new play practices can be transferred to current relationships with children

Added bonus: A special breakout group for caregivers/parents who wish to focus on restoring or enhancing playful energy with children of all ages.

The Intersection of SE and IAFT

During this one-of-a-kind workshop, Dr. Levine will be demonstrating Somatic Experiencing® techniques for working with children, helping them to gain positive experiences in their bodies that contradict their feelings of helplessness when they arise. The workshop will also focus on the practitioner’s own childhood experiences that are stuck or holding back the practitioner from being connected to their playful, exuberant, energetic young self. 

Co-teacher Dafna Lender, LCSW, the creator and trainer of Integrative Attachment Family Therapy, and her team will use attachment-focused play and embodiment techniques to heal severely dysregulated childhood experiences through physical exercises co-regulated by a loving adult. 

Participants in the training will lend their nervous systems to one another in exercises that support each other’s child parts, allowing them to feel safe, show themselves, and be proud of their energy and uniqueness. They can use these tools to help heal the hurt child within themselves. Participants will also become stronger, more energetic agents of change for their clients.

Dafna’s Integrative Attachment Family Therapy (IAFT) focuses on the parent-child relationship as a vehicle to heal problems of trust, hyperarousal or hypoarousal, and connection in both children and parents. IAFT is effective in treating trauma because it focuses on building attachment relationships using joyful and energetic play-based actions as well as creating and fostering safe dialogues between children and their caregivers. Using these techniques, we can help children (or an adult’s inner child) regain their capacity for joy and restore loving connections to their peers and families.

This workshop will also address successful parent attachment work. You will learn how to identify when you, as a parent, need more focused individual work and when your own attachment issues may be impacting relationships.

Trauma is not what happens to us. But what we hold inside in the absence of an empathetic witness.
— Peter A Levine, PhD

This Workshop Includes

  • Didactic lecture with Q&A

  • Supervised practice sessions with extensive debriefing

  • Private online portal with course materials

  • Walking paths & trails

  • Yoga and other healing programming - offered by the facility

  • Bookstore & Spa Services - offered by the facility

  • Wifi in designated areas

  • An Introduction to SE video w/ Dr Levine

  • A post-workshop Zoom Integration and Q&A session w/ Dafna Lender

  • Continuing Education Credits will be announced when secured

Schedule (subject to evolution)

Sunday, Oct 27th
(Kripalu lodging check-in begins at 2:00 pm - all rooms ready by 4:00 pm)
(Kripalu Yoga 4:45 pm)
(Kripalu Dinner 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm)

7:00 pm - 8:30 pm Opening Gathering Session One

Monday, Oct 28th
(Kripalu Yoga 6:30 am - 7:45 am)
(Kripalu Meditation 8:00 am - 8:30 am)
(Kripalu Breakfast 7:30 am - 9:00 am)

9:30 am - 12:00 pm Session Two
(Kripalu Yoga Dance 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm)
(Kripalu Lunch 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm)

2:30 pm - 4:15 pm Session Three
4:15 pm - 4:30 Break
4:30 pm - 6:30 pm Session Three continued
(Kripalu Dinner 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm)
(Kripalu Dance, Yoga, or Talk 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm)

Tuesday, Oct 29th
(Kripalu Yoga 6:30a m - 7:45 am)
(Kripalu Meditation 8:00 am - 8:30 am)
(Kripalu Breakfast 7:30 am - 9:00 am)

9:30 am - 12:00 pm Session Four
(Kripalu Yoga Dance 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm)
(Kripalu Lunch 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm)

2:30 pm - 4:15 pm Session Five
4:15 pm - 4:30 Break
4:30 pm - 6:30 pm Session FIve continued
(Kripalu Dinner 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm)
(Kripalu Dance, Yoga, or Talk 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm)
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm Healing Attachment Trauma in our Children (optional bonus session for parents/child caregivers)

Wednesday, Oct 30th
(Kripalu Yoga 6:30 am - 7:45 am)
(Kripalu Meditation 8:00 am - 8:30 am)
(Kripalu Breakfast 7:30 am - 9:00 am)
(Kripalu lodging check-out 10:00 am)

9:30 am - 12:00 pm Session Six
(Kripalu Yoga Dance 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm)
(Kripalu Lunch 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm)
(Depart campus by 2:00 pm)

Click to book Kripalu Healing Arts Appointments

Guest Instructor Bio

Dafna Lender, LCSW is a family therapy expert and attachment specialist. Dafna is an international trainer and supervisor for practitioners who work with children and families. She is a certified trainer and supervisor/consultant in both Theraplay and Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy (DDP), as well as an EMDR therapist.  Dafna’s expertise is drawn from 29 years of working with families in many settings: at-risk after-school programs, therapeutic foster care, in-home crisis stabilization, residential care, and private practice. Dafna’s style, whether as a therapist or teacher, combines the light-hearted with the profound by bringing a playful, intense, and passionate presence to every encounter.
Dafna is the author of Integrative Attachment Family Therapy (2023) and the co-author of Theraplay: The Practitioner’s Guide (2020). She teaches and supervises clinicians in 15 countries in four languages: English, Hebrew, French, and Spanish.  


  • This program is designed for psychotherapists, social workers, teachers, medical and foster care providers, clergy, and more.

  • Mandatory read prior to attending: Read this handout


Communications will be sent from info@somaticexperiencing.com. The evening before the class, you will receive an email with a LINK and PASSCODE to the PRIVATE PORTAL for this program. Please save this information to access the PROGRAM ANNOUNCEMENTS, SLIDES, HANDOUTS, DETAILED SCHEDULE, CERTIFICATE, and MORE.

Please read the Agreements in Registration.

Location & Lodging

Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health
Stockbridge, MA

Lodging & Commuter Options

Guest & Student Arrival Information

*Ergos tuition does not include lodging and meals. Please book directly with the venue.

Registration & Payment

Ergos Tuition:
$1,095 USD

The deadline to register for this workshop is October 25th.

Use that code to pay 10% down, and email your payment schedule of convenience to info@somaticexperiencing.com.

There are limited financial need partial scholarships available to BIPOC students and/or those working primarily with underserved populations (clinics, reservations, volunteer, etc.). For submission, please email info@somaticexperiencing.com.

The last day to request a program refund, minus a processing fee, is September 27th, 2024.

For registration issues or other inquiries, please contact info@somaticexperiencing.com.

There is no conflict of interest or commercial support.
The Ergos Institute of Somatic Education is managing this workshop.

Come play with us! We hope to see you there!


Come play with us! We hope to see you there! 〰️

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The Embody Lab Presents: Somatic CBT Certificate
to Dec 19

The Embody Lab Presents: Somatic CBT Certificate

The Embody Lab Presents
Somatic CBT Certificate

November 1st - December 19th, 2024
Live & Online

Beginning November 1st - Live & Online AND you'll have lifetime access to the On-Demand recordings at no extra cost.

This training will empower you with evidence-based tools that confront challenges, interrupt habits, and significantly impact the healing journey. 

In this program, you will learn how to holistically transform unhelpful patterns while simultaneously addressing the root of these challenges. You will expand your skills that draw on the connection between thoughts, emotions, sensations, and behaviors to create lasting change for yourself and your clients. 

Join The Embody Lab and learn how to combine these approaches using evidence-based techniques and strategies and discover the latest research and interventions to enhance embodiment and healing in yourself and your clients. 

More than a CBT training, taught by world-leading faculty, this program will equip you with the skills and confidence to offer your clients a comprehensive and unified approach to Somatic CBT. The faculty will guide you through interactive theory and learning, practical exercises, interventions and protocols, and peer practice sessions that will inspire and empower you through this effective and powerful healing process.


Presented by The Embody Lab - please click the button below for customer service.

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Ergos Presents: SE™ Master Class Eye of the Needle II w/ Ian Macnaughton, PhD & Joshua Sylvae, PhD
to Nov 24

Ergos Presents: SE™ Master Class Eye of the Needle II w/ Ian Macnaughton, PhD & Joshua Sylvae, PhD

SE™ Master Class: Eye of the Needle II

w/ Ergos Institute SE™ Faculty Ian Macnaughton, PhD & Joshua Sylvae, PhD

November 21st - 24th, 10 am - 6 pm

St. Philip Neri - Carvlin Hall
Portland, Oregon

September Sale $895 USD
(Full Price $1,095 USD)

Prerequisite: Eye of the Needle I
This is a two-part course. This is part two.
Those who have completed Eye of the Needle II can join at a 50% discount (see below for more information).

*SEI Case Consultation Faculty Supervision Credits included.
*Continuing Education Credits will be announced when secured.

About this Two-Part Series

All trauma involves an encounter with threat and, hence, a touch with death. However, some individuals actually experience states of death from which they are revived. In fact, some of the deepest and seemingly most intractable trauma symptoms occur with clients who become “stuck” in these profoundly altered states of consciousness that emerged out of a near-death experience (NDE).

Every year, in the USA alone, over 50 million people undergo surgery and other invasive medical procedures, often with powerful dissociative and amnesic agents. Many individuals experience partial (or full) awakening during these procedures. These terrifying ordeals can create ruptures deep in consciousness; these often go far beyond our conscious/verbal capacity, making these traumas difficult to access and heal.

According to the Near Death Experience Research Foundation, 774 varied NDEs occur every day. Often debilitating, these same near-death experiences hold the extraordinary potential for deep, positive, and enduring personal and spiritual transformation if they receive proper guidance and support.

Dr Levine’s EOTN two-part series addresses how to apply SE principles to a variety of near-death experiences, including but not limited to drowning, vehicular accidents, physical attacks, illness, and surgery. SE techniques applicable to a wide variety of traumatic experiences are not always sufficient to treat trauma related to NDEs, and Eye of the Needle work is vital to complex cases demanding the most dedicated and skilled practitioners of SE.

Learning Objectives:

  • Analyze and refine perceptual skills and practical tools

  • Describe autonomic nervous system shifts

  • Apply theoretical and practical frameworks to access dissociated and dislocated altered states of consciousness and liberate problematic fixations

  • Demonstrate the skills needed to weave dislocated conscious (and unconscious) states together and then move through the shock core

  • Assess surgical trauma symptoms and partial awakening states from anesthesia

  • Describe approaches to working with different types of anesthesia

  • Discuss Somatic Experiencing pain management and anesthesia protocol for reducing the chances of trauma related to surgery

  • Analyze working with post-ICU debilitation

  • Demonstrate how to work with difficult somatic symptoms by working with NDEs

  • Discuss the mythopoetic plane

  • Create support for a client's spiritual experience from an NDE

This SE Master Class Includes:

  • Didactic Lecture with Q&A

  • Supervised triad practice and touch work, including table use

  • In-depth demonstration client sessions with extensive debriefing (please email info@somaticexperiencing.com for a submission form)

  • SEI Case Consultation Faculty Supervision Credits

  • A bonus demo recording of Dr Levine working with an EOTN II client

  • Master Level SE™ Assistants will be offering private sessions for SEI credit (not included in cost)

  • Continuing Education Credits will be announced when secured.



Practice 〰️

Daily Schedule
10:00 am – 6:00 pm

*This class does not include Dr Levine in person

Ergos SE™ Faculty

Ian Macnaughton  MBA, PhD, FEA, SEP

Ian Macnaughton has been a teacher and practitioner of trauma resolution, mind-body, and family systems psychotherapy for 50 years and is a Bodynamic Analyst and trainer.  He has worked with Somatic Experiencing since the early 70s and is Ergos Faculty for the Institute of Somatic Education.  His practice includes many executives, medical practitioners, therapists, and others in the helping professions, both for psychotherapy and supervision.  He maintains an ongoing training group for clinical practitioners, as well as delivering public workshops for helping professionals.

Joshua Sylvae  PhD, SEP

Joshua’s workshops and classes are popular with psychotherapists, healers, and individuals interested in personal and societal transformation. He lectures widely on somatic psychotherapy, weaving the practice of body-oriented healing together with neuroscience, spirituality, and human ecology. He has a particular interest in fostering the growth and health of movements for social change, groups, and individuals actively engaged in the campaign for ecological and social justice, and is passionate about fostering a new model of human relationships with the Earth and each other.


Communications will be sent from info@somaticexperiencing.com. The evening before the class, you will receive an email with a LINK and PASSCODE to the PRIVATE PORTAL for this program. Please save this information to access the PROGRAM ANNOUNCEMENTS, SLIDES, HANDOUTS, DETAILED SCHEDULE, CERTIFICATE, and MORE.

Please read the Agreements in Registration.

Registration & Payment

September Sale $895 USD
(Full Price $1,095 USD)

The deadline to register for this course is November 20th.

Prerequisite: Eye of the Needle I
This is a two-part course. This is part two.
You must have completed Eye of the Needle I (with Peter Levine or an Ergos SE Faculty member).
Those who have completed Eye of the Needle II can join at a 50% discount. To receive the discount code, please send proof of attendance to info@somaticexperiencing.com and you will receive the code.

Use that code to pay 10% down and email your payment schedule of convenience to info@somaticexperiencing.com

There are limited financial need partial scholarships available to BIPOC students and/or those working primarily with underserved populations (clinics, reservations, volunteer, etc.). For submission, please email info@somaticexperiencing.com.

The last day to request a program refund, minus a processing fee, is October 21st

Note -
Lodging is not available at this venue

The Ergos Institute of Somatic Education is managing this course.

Please reach out to info@somaticexperiencing.com with inquiries.

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Trauma Solutions Presents: Healing Trauma Across Generations
1:00 PM13:00

Trauma Solutions Presents: Healing Trauma Across Generations

Trauma Solutions by Diane Poole Heller Presents: Healing Trauma Across Generations

Featuring Dr Levine , Efu Nyaki, and Dr Heller

August 22, 2024 (Thursday)
1 pm ET / 12 pm CT / 11 am MT / 10 am PT
Find the time in your area
Live Online

Discover how ancestral experiences and unresolved family patterns shape our behaviors and relationships. Explore body-centered and relational approaches to healing generational patterns.

In this FREE, 90-Minute Live Training, you’ll explore:

●      How the psychological and emotional effects of traumatic experiences can be passed down unconsciously from one generation to the next.

●      Ways in which ancestral experience and unresolved family patterns shape our current behaviors, emotions, and relationships.

●      Complementary approaches that help you understand and address unresolved trauma, access deeper healing––and move beyond the pain of trauma to uncover the strength and resilience of our lineage.

There will be time at the end for Dr. Levine and Efu Nyaki to answer questions from the audience LIVE.

Once you register, you will receive a confirmation email (and a few reminders) so you can save the date.

Can’t join live? Sign up below and you will receive a free replay the next day.

Presented by Trauma Solutions - please click the button below for registration & customer service.

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Academie Claire-Khudai Presents: SE™ Master Class Eye of the Needle I w/ Dave Berger
to Aug 12

Academie Claire-Khudai Presents: SE™ Master Class Eye of the Needle I w/ Dave Berger

  • Montreal, Quebec, Canada (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

SE™ Master Class Eye of the Needle I

Presented by Dave Berger, MFT, PT, LCMHC, SEP, MA

Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Module 1: August 8th-12th, 2024

All trauma involves an encounter with threat and, hence, a touch with death. However, some individuals actually experience states of death from which they are revived. In fact, some of the deepest and seemingly most intractable trauma symptoms occur with clients who become “stuck” in these profoundly altered states of consciousness that emerged out of a near-death experience (NDE). 

According to the Near-Death Experience Research Foundation, 774 varied NDEs occur every day. Often debilitating, these same near-death experiences hold the extraordinary potential for deep, positive, and enduring personal and spiritual transformation if they receive proper guidance and support.

Dr. Levine’s EOTN two-part series addresses how to apply Somatic Experiencing® (SE™) principles to a variety of near-death experiences, anesthesia trauma and altered states of consciousness, including but not limited to: drowning, vehicular accidents, physical attacks, illness, and surgery. SE techniques applicable to a wide variety of traumatic experiences are not always sufficient to treat trauma related to NDEs, and Eye of the Needlework is vital to complex cases demanding the most dedicated and skilled practitioners of SE.

EOTN I & II Learning Objectives :

  • Cultivate and refine perceptual skills and practical tools.

  • Track autonomic nervous system shifts. 

  • Develop theoretical and practical framework to access dissociated and dislocated altered states of consciousness and liberate problematic fixations.

  • Practice the skills needed to weave dislocated conscious (and unconscious) states together, then move through the shock core.

  • Identify surgical trauma symptoms and partial awakening states from anesthesia.

  • Alternate approaches to working with different types of anesthesia.

  • Using SE, recommend proper pain management and anesthesia protocol for reducing the chances of trauma related to surgery.

  • Explore working with post-ICU debilitation.

  • Resolve difficult somatic symptoms by working with NDEs.

  • Interact with the mythopoetic plane. 

  • Enable authentic spiritual experiences, including NDEs.

EOTN 1 will focus on the basic concepts of EOTN work, Near Death States, and Out of Body Experiences

EONT 2 will review the basic concepts of EOTN work and focus on anesthesia and altered states of consciousness.

Prerequisite: SE Advanced 1

Presented by: Academie Claire-Khudai
If you have questions, please contact: Claire-Khudai Dagenais & Hye Kam

SE is not what you do, but how you do what you do.
— Dr Levine
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AVAIYA University Presents: Healing PTSD & Emotional Distress
to Aug 11

AVAIYA University Presents: Healing PTSD & Emotional Distress

AVAIYA University Presents
Healing PTSD & Emotional Distress

featuring Dr. Ian Macnaughton

August 5th - 11th

This online series is brought to you by iKE ALLEN & Ande Anderson, Co-Owners of AVAIYA University.

Beginning August 5th, over 30 therapists, psychologists, doctors and more will help you heal from trauma and the emotional distress that often follows. You will learn to restore harmony to your mind, body and spirit.


Dr Ian Mcnaughton is a featured speaker during this 7-day immersion series.


You’ll be taken on a journey not only to heal, but also to grow into a person with more resilience, strength and wisdom than ever before.


After you register, keep an eye out for AVAIYA’s email for specific details on accessing these free classes. (Replays will be available for 24 hours after each class airs).

Presented by AVAIYA University - please click the button below for customer service.

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 Unyte Presents: The Relationship Between Regulation, Relationship and Resilience
9:00 AM09:00

Unyte Presents: The Relationship Between Regulation, Relationship and Resilience

Unyte Presents
The Relationship Between Regulation, Relationship and Resilience

featuring Dr. Peter A Levine

July 29th

Please join Dr Levine on July 29, 2024 at a virtual Clinical Conversations webinar hosted by Unyte Health: The Relationship Between Regulation, Relationship and Resilience. Can’t make it live? Register and they’ll send you a recording! 

How are regulation, relationship and resilience interconnected? How are they different? How do they show up in the nervous system and how can the Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) increase our capacity for regulation, relationship and resilience all at once? Join us as we explore these questions and examine each of these concepts individually, tri-directionally and within a therapeutic setting. 

Presented by Unyte - please click the button below for customer service.

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Conscious Life Presents: Best of Trauma Super Conference
to Jul 14

Conscious Life Presents: Best of Trauma Super Conference

Conscious Life Presents: Best of Trauma Super Conference
July 8th - 14th

Join Dr Levine during this “Super Conference”. In his class, “An Autobiography of Trauma”, Dr Levine shares his experiences with Albert Einstein, the power of guides and mentors on our healing path, and what supports growing our courage and living our truth.

This “Super Conference” (beginning July 8th) brings together SO MANY of the world’s most trusted and sought-after doctors, researchers, professors, bestselling authors, healers, and speakers to create a truly interdisciplinary approach to healing at the intersection of functional medicine, neuroscience, psychology, art, and more.

PLUS, it includes a ton of extra free resources including tools, techniques, and practices you can start using immediately to help you identify your own trauma, understand its impacts on your daily life, and begin the healing process.

When you sign up now you’ll be given INSTANT access to 6 BONUS GIFTS, including the following exclusive video sessions:

Healing Toxic Shame-Dr Peter Levine
People Pleasing as a Trauma Response-Matthias Barker
Creating Safety We Can Share-Dr Darryl Tonemah
How Attachment Drives What We Think We Deserve-Heather Monroe
How to Establish Healthy Boundaries-Dr Pedram Shojai
Experiential Expressive Arts Therapy-DrCathy Malchiodi PhD

Presented by Conscious Life - please click the button below for customer service.

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Avaiya University Presents: Healing Abandonment & Betrayal Trauma w/ Joshua Sylvae, PhD
to Jul 14

Avaiya University Presents: Healing Abandonment & Betrayal Trauma w/ Joshua Sylvae, PhD

Avaiya University Presents: Healing Abandonment & Betrayal Trauma
July 8th - 14th

Healing Abandonment & Betrayal Trauma

Ergos Faculty Joshua Sylvae, PhD, will speak during this event. His class, Betrayal & The Body, airs on July 12th.

This online series is brought to you by iKE ALLEN & Ande Anderson, Co-Owners of AVAIYA University (creators & teachers of transformational courses, books, films and online events such as Overcoming Childhood Trauma, Breaking Free From Toxic Relationships, Overcoming Emotional Abuse, and many more).

Beginning July 8th, over 30 therapists, relationship experts, and more will help you heal your abandonment & betrayal trauma, reclaim your power, and experience the respect, love & healthy relationships you deserve.

After registering, watch for AVAIYA’s email for specific details on accessing these free classes.
(Replays will be available for 24 hours after each class airs).

Presented by Avaiya University - please click the button below for customer service.

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Conscious Connections Presents: Trauma Through a Child's Eyes
to Jun 23

Conscious Connections Presents: Trauma Through a Child's Eyes

Conscious Connections Presents: Trauma Through a Child's Eyes
June 21st - 23rd

This 12-hour Introductory Zoom PlayShop cleverly interweaves the basics of Somatic Experiencing® trauma healing with art, movement, attachment play & breathwork in a 2-path model that is easy to implement.

What You Will Learn:
The Resilience Roadmap Model for alleviating symptoms & behaviors, such as anxiety, depression, ADHD, nightmares & aggression from ordinary and extraordinary events
“The 8 Essentials of Healthy Attachment” to develop a resilient nervous system with activities for ventral vagal & social-emotional development
Teaching kids & teens sensory (interoceptive) awareness & tracking skills with art, games & breathing to increase emotional regulation through charge/discharge cycles, settling & integration
Case material fusing SE™Principles, Art & Movement for Individuals, Groups & Classrooms

June 21- 23, 2024 10:00am -2:00pm PST

This PlayShop is useful for professionals who wish to integrate the core concepts of SE™ when working with kids, as well as those wishing to deepen their understanding of inner child work with adults.

Presented by Conscious Connections - please click the button below for customer service.

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The Embody Lab Presents: Embodied Intimacy Coaching Certificate Program
8:00 AM08:00

The Embody Lab Presents: Embodied Intimacy Coaching Certificate Program

The Embody Lab Presents: Embodied Intimacy Coaching Certificate Program

June 14


Key dates

- May 4th - FREE Embodied Intimacy One-Day Summit

- May 11th - First Information Session

- June 2nd - Final Information Session

- June 11th - Meet the Faculty

- June 15th - Classes Commence

In this program you’ll discover holistic tools to guide individuals and couples into deeper and more satisfying connection, intimacy, and sustained relationships as a Embodied Intimacy Coach.

As a Certified Embodied Intimacy Coach with The Embody Lab you’ll develop skills to help clients explore and address intimacy wounds to enable deeper and more satisfying relationships. Embodied Intimacy Coaches enhance emotional intelligence, conflict resolution capacities, and communication skills; they also facilitate somatic awareness, support the deepening of physical intimacy, and guide clients through the processes of dating, break-ups, and grief.

This unique 80-hr online certificate program is designed for individuals, practitioners, and educators who want to explore the power of somatic intimacy coaching in an integrative process that fosters, awakens, and deepens wholeness through the science, strategies, and tools of embodied intimacy.


  1. Effective communication skills to better articulate your and your clients’ needs, desires, and boundaries and to help resolve conflicts.

  2. Greater body awareness that can lead to more fulfilling sexual experiences and how to help clients embrace the uniqueness of their bodies to lead to increased confidence, both in and out of intimate settings

  3. Address interpersonal and cultural power dynamics, colonization of the body, and internalized shame to help clients be more pleasure-centered and experience greater power and freedom.

  4. Deepen spiritual connection by aligning intimate experiences with personal beliefs and values.

  5. How to maintain intimacy as relationships grow and change over time and how to reignite emotional and physical intimacy when the flame has gone out.

  6. How to express and fulfill one's needs to empower and enhance overall self-esteem.

  7. Address and heal from past experiences, traumas, or negative conditioning around intimacy, and identify and change unhealthy patterns in relationships.

  8. Rebuild trust after experiencing betrayal or harm in past relationships.


The program starts June 14th - Live & Online PLUS The Embody Lab gives you lifetime access to the On-Demand recordings at no extra cost.

Are you ready to start your journey to transforming lives as a certified Embodied Intimacy Coach? The Embody Lab’s Embodied Intimacy Coaching Certificate is a great place to start.

Presented by The Embody Lab - please click the button below for customer service.

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Heart Mind Institute Presents: Post-Traumatic Growth Global Summit
to Jun 16

Heart Mind Institute Presents: Post-Traumatic Growth Global Summit

  • Heart Mind Institute Post-Traumatic Growth Summit (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Heart Mind Institute Presents: Post-Traumatic Growth Global Summit
June 11th

[Free]  6-Day, Online
Learn from over 40 world-class experts in healing trauma, realizing post-traumatic growth, building healing relationships, creating sustained well-being, resilience, and more

Heart Mind Institute have created an extraordinary, Free, online Summit to explore healing in light of the many complex challenges facing humanity today. During this groundbreaking exploration of trauma healing, you will gain access to cutting-edge research, practical tools, and transformational technologies to harness the power of post-traumatic growth, overcome obstacles, gain resilience, and more…  

Over six powerful days, you will have the opportunity to learn strategies for post-traumatic growth and resilience building with over 40 esteemed trauma experts, authors, neuroscientists, clinicians, thought leaders, visionaries, system thinkers, and Indigenous wisdom holders, including….

Dr Levine, Richard Schwartz PhD, Sunny Strasburg LMFT, Rick Hanson PhD, Diane Poole Heller PhD, Ronald Siegel PsyD, Gita Vaid MD, Stephen Porges PhD, Pedram Shojai OMD,  Arielle Schwartz PhD, Ocean Robbins, Michaela Haas PhD, Kien Vuu MD, Elaine Miller-Karas LCSW, Paul R. Scheele PhD, Alex Howard, Christopher Germer PhD, and many more…  

  • Find out about the latest post-traumatic growth research, practices, and tools

  • Explore the relationship between healing trauma and repairing our relationship with ourselves, the earth, our fellow species, and each other

  • Discover the potential of healing trauma for psychological growth, physical well-being, spiritual evolution, and awakening

  • Join a community of like-minded individuals on a journey of personal and collective healing and transformation

Free streaming of the summit starts Tuesday, June 11th at 7:00 am EDT US
Presented by the Heart Mind Institute - please click the button below for customer service.

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Ergos Presents: Retreat - Bodywork for Developmental Trauma w/ Dr Levine + team
to Jun 12

Ergos Presents: Retreat - Bodywork for Developmental Trauma w/ Dr Levine + team

  • Mercy Center Burlingame (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Peter Levine, Sergio Ocampo, Barbara Collier, Calvin Livingston, Melissa Stager, Donna Hilbig, Charlotte Dillon, Jenny Hoit, Cicily Thomas, Kristin Burns

***SOLD OUT***

6-Nights In-Person
Bodywork for Developmental Trauma Retreat

Sliding-scale RETREAT
includes lodging, meals, individual
sessions, and lessons

Join us for an Immersive Healing Experience at the Mercy Center in Burlingame, California
June 6th - 7th w/ Dr Levine
June 6th - 12th w/ his team of Facilitators & Practitioners

All-inclusive Pricing Includes Retreat Offerings + Individual Sessions w/ SEPs + Meditation + Music and Movement + Buffet Meals + 6 nights of Lodging + Pre and Post Retreat Online Gatherings & Programming

*This retreat is designed to develop deeper somatic tools for personal enrichment
*This is not a training
*All attendees must stay on-site
*All attendees must attend the entire retreat

What is Developmental Trauma?

Adverse childhood experiences generate displacement, disembodiment, and shame. These experiences challenge our self-worth, thwart our creativity, discourage us from embodying ourselves fully, and inhibit us from living into our capacity to be in our true, full, authentic self-expression.

At the heart of developmental trauma are the wounds of repeatedly not being seen, not feeling a sense of worth, and not realizing a sense of belonging. This can happen through neglect, abuse, displacement due to disaster, medical trauma, long separations from family/community systems, intergenerational trauma, and systemic oppression. These adverse experiences often leave us feeling relationally disconnected or dissatisfied, feeling too close, too far away, or both.

We can grow into adults, have relationships (if desired), raise children (if desired), and have gainful employment and still feel strongly that we do not exist, matter, or have an inner sense of worth or self. This feeling stems from these experiences being housed deep within our tissues—once a protective mechanism, now a hindrance.

In our time together, we will

  • Define and explore the roots of developmental trauma and how it affects the body.

  • Review developmental milestones that might have been missed due to trauma or stress.

  • Understand undesired behavior patterns in our relationships - whether from our partner or us.

  • Identify the unique, complex grief held within us that is often overlooked when working with developmental trauma.

  • Explore the connection to complex physical health conditions in adulthood and where our bodies hold developmental trauma memories.

  • Experience somatic practices that can help reset the nervous system back to a more authentic place of being.

  • Utilize therapeutic bodywork sessions to gain insight and expansion at the cellular level.

  • Use breath, movement, and music to facilitate exploration and connection.

  • Create a real-time partnership with Self and community.

SE is not what you do, but how you do what you do.
— Dr Levine

What is Bodywork?

When clinically helpful, and only if the client is fully comfortable, we will integrate Therapeutic Touch into our retreat sessions.

Bodywork Practitioners utilize the attention and intention of mindful, attuned contact to support a safe and relational container for integrating bracing patterns from stress, overwhelm, or fright toward regulation and resiliency.

Human touch is a primal and biologically essential requirement for forming a physically and emotionally healthy human being. Neglected babies who are not touched fail to thrive. Touch is a vital, critical component for the formation of identity and ego. The caregiver’s prosody and facial expressions are equally important to touch and holding. Attuned touch, holding, prosody, and facial expressions are the seeds of the touch-and-talk connection.

Dr Levine has been a courageous pioneer in fostering healthy exchange between Psychotherapists and Bodyworkers. The gift of Stephen Porges’ polyvagal theory emphasizes the connection between talk, touch, and the social engagement system. Somatic Experiencing brings both professions together to integrate the two fields.

Touch is as vital to our existence as food. It is the first sense we develop, our first and most primal communication, and the only sense without which we cannot survive.
— Alaine Duncan, Tau of Trauma

Therapeutic Touch

  • Works with symptoms of early childhood, developmental trauma, and relational trauma.

  • Connects to pre-verbal adverse experiences.

  • Implements a body-up approach to psychological & physiological healing - a heart, brain, and body collaboration.

  • Creates long-lasting results by addressing the root of where the trauma is stored.

  • Builds the capacity to track sensations as a guide to stabilizing physiology in their body.

  • Provides the missing physical support that speaks directly to the nervous system for clients whose developmental experience of touch was misattuned, neglectful, or abusive.

  • Supports the restoration, stabilization, and integration of sustainable states of well-being so that the full range of the human condition can be experienced.

  • Offers a safe and relational field to understand sensations, symptoms, pain, and injury that might have occurred during the early developmental stages of neurological wiring.

  • Mobilizes bodily patterns of discomfort and emotional overwhelm, facilitating a settling and resolution.

  • Explores the dynamic, subtle, and profoundly healing dance between touch, emotions, cognitions, and talk.

  • Helpful for nervous systems that may be activated by talk therapy alone.

*Bodywork will be done in individual sessions - fully clothed, either sitting in a chair or lying on a massage table - this form of Bodywork differs from a massage

*Guided self-touch will be implemented in group work (not on sexual organs)

Examples of Bodywork Modalities Somatic Experiencing® Touch / NeuroAffective Touch (NATouch™) / Craniosacral / Ortho-Bionomy® / Kathy Kain Somatic Practice

During the Retreat

Dr Levine, the developer of Somatic Experiencing® (SE™), and his team of SE Practitioners and expert Facilitators will support self-exploration through group work, individual sessions, and guided therapeutic practices to stimulate healing and transformation. Many opportunities for guided meditations, content integration, movement, and nature exploration.


As we begin to move forward, let’s discover the obstacles together.

Retreat Offerings Include

  • Daily pathways to trauma integration w/ Master level SE Practitioners & Facilitators.

  • SE practices & discussion w/ Q&A.

  • Individual Bodywork sessions with SE Practitioners (touch not required for success).

  • Movement, healing meditation, resource integration, and more w/ Calvin Livingston.

  • Lodging at the Mercy Retreat Center June 6th - 12th.

  • Buffet meals on-site from Dinner on June 6th through Lunch on June 12th.

  • Use of the facilities and grounds w/ parking included.

  • A closed/private campus just for our group.

Online Pre-Retreat

Online Post-Retreat

  • Ongoing group lessons, gatherings & check-ins spanning 6 months.

  • A referral list of SE Practitioners who work both in-person & online.

*Due to his personal capacity, Dr Levine will not be the primary facilitator and will not offer private sessions.
*Dr Levine will ONLY teach and support group work on June 6th and 7th.
*If Dr Levine cannot attend his teaching days due to unforeseen circumstances, we will not cancel the retreat (highly unlikely he would cancel).

MARCH 2022 SEDONA RETREAT REVIEW: ”The retreat was life-changing. The skill and professionalism of the team working with Peter A. Levine were an inspiration and far exceeded my expectations. I entered with the goal of taking my personal development further and beginning a new path. I left with the clarity I was seeking, a clear plan, renewed enthusiasm, more tools to help me succeed, and precious new friends.”

Schedule (subject to evolution)

Thursday, June 6th


  • Check in to the Mercy Retreat Center


  • Welcome gathering w/ Dr Levine (5pm)(mandatory)

  • Dinner

  • Opening ceremony w/ Dr Levine

Friday, June 7th


  • Breakfast

  • Lessons/group work w/ Dr Levine


  • Lunch

  • Nature & Rest Break

  • Lessons/group work w/ Dr Levine


  • Dinner

  • Group activities

Saturday, June 8th - Tuesday, June 11th


  • Breakfast

  • Lessons/group work w/ the Practitioner Team


  • Lunch

  • Nature & rest break


  • Private sessions

  • Resourcing

  • Integration


  • Dinner

  • Group activities

Wednesday, June 12th


  • Breakfast

  • Closing ceremony


  • Lunch

  • Departure

Additional Activities throughout the week:

  • Opening & Closing Ceremonies

  • Restorative Yoga

  • Meditation

  • Music & Movement

Who Should Attend

  • Those who are suffering from known developmental trauma or loved ones of those with developmental trauma.

  • Those who may be struggling and unsure of the origin.

  • The General Public and Practitioners are welcome.

  • Partners, colleagues, relatives, and friends are encouraged to attend together.
    (rooms are all singles w/ a twin bed)

*This retreat is not intended to treat active addiction, medical illness, psychosis, or severe mental or physical illness.
*Please consult your doctor/therapist/practitioner or contact us for guidance on whether this may be right for you.
*Dry campus (no substance use).
*Age requirement is 18 and up; no infants, children, or teens on campus.
*No non-participating guests are allowed on campus.

The Mercy Retreat Center

The retreat gatherings, lodging, and meals are at The Mercy Center.

The Mercy Retreat Center is a special gathering place for nonprofit organizations and groups seeking a tranquil setting for their conference or retreat. The center's peaceful grounds, surrounded by oaks and flower gardens, are in the heart of the San Francisco Bay Area. Internationally known, this conference and retreat center offers a holistic environment for people of diverse faiths and backgrounds to nourish their lives. Its serene environment is conducive to learning and reflection.

  • On campus, enjoy the Mercy Labyrinth, hiking trails, and more.

  • We will be the only group studying here at this time.

  • This retreat will not be online.


  • Single-occupancy bedroom with a twin bed, sink, desk, chair, closet, robe, bedding, soap, and towels.

  • Shared dormitory-style bathroom facilities (close to the rooms w/ private showers & dressing rooms).

  • Each floor features a kitchenette w/ a refrigerator for personal use.

  • The dining hall is open 24 hours w/ access to tea & snacks.


  • Well-balanced buffet meals will be provided.

  • During registration, there is an opportunity to indicate food allergies.


  • Parking is provided on-site.

  • The Mercy Center is 12 minutes from the San Francisco Airport - Google Map.

  • There is no need to leave campus during the retreat.

  • If something comes up and you require transport to a store, we can arrange that for you.

  • Travel is not included in the cost of the retreat.

Payment and Sliding-Scale Options

BEFORE applying or REGISTERING, please read everything on the registration page, including the agreements.

If you have questions about whether this retreat is right for you, please contact info@somaticexperienicng.com before applying or registering.

***SOLD OUT***


Questions & Payments: Cortney at info@somaticexperiencing.com

Managing Director: Melissa Stager (text/WhatsApp 760-815-7588)

Presented by: Ergos Institute of Somatic Education

Trauma is not what happens to us. But what we hold inside in the absence of an empathetic witness.
— Dr Levine

Content developed by Barbara Collier, Laura Melton, and Melissa Stager.

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Ergos Presents: SE™ Case Consultation & Demonstration w/ Dr Levine (SE Student & Public Options)
10:00 AM10:00

Ergos Presents: SE™ Case Consultation & Demonstration w/ Dr Levine (SE Student & Public Options)


SE™ Case Consultation & Demonstration

In-person + Live-Stream Online + Recording

SEI Introduction to SE+

w/ Peter A Levine, PhD

Consult Day June 5th
Location Online and in-person at The Mercy Center in Burlingame, CA

SE STUDENT FULL DAY SESSION In-Person: $249 - includes lunch, parking, access to the grounds + Breakout Group
SE STUDENT AM SESSION In-Person: $167 - includes lunch, parking, and access to the grounds SE STUDENT AM SESSION Online: $112
PUBLIC PM SESSION In-Person: $167 - includes lunch, parking, and access to the grounds

Includes 2 SEI Faculty Group Case Consultation Supervision Credit
FULL DAY SESSION Prerequisite SEI Introduction to SE+


We invite you to a rare SE Case Consultation and demonstration with the developer of Somatic Experiencing®, Peter A Levine, Ph.D. Watch in-person or online as Dr Levine meets directly with SE Practitioners and students to discuss cases, perform live demonstrations on real clients, and strategize solutions for where they are stuck. 

Please join us in this wonderful opportunity to dive deeper into the understanding of Somatic Experiencing® and Dr. Levine's work in the field + earn 2 SE Consult Credits (SEI students Beg I+). Learning from observation, practice, and discussion is an integral way to enhance and master your SE skills, no matter what level. If you are attending from the public, this is a unique chance to watch the developer work live (in-person recommended, if possible).

  • SEI STUDENTS/PRACTITIONERS - Present your Client as a Demo Case - scroll down for how

  • Join Live In-Person or Live-Stream Online w/ Dr Levine - recording included for all registrants

Client Demonstrations w/ Dr. Levine

SEI STUDENTS/PRACTITIONERS - Do you have a client you are struggling to support? 
To have your client considered for a live on-site, filmed demonstration with Dr. Levine (FREE SESSION), please discuss this opportunity with your client, and if they agree, email info@somaticexperiencing.com. Submissions are for in-person live demos with both the client & student/practitioner present.

*This course has no specific theme - all cases are open for potential approval.

Live Demonstration Format  
The student/practitioner will introduce the client’s case history and discuss with Dr. Levine the work they've been doing with their client and where they might be struggling. He will then work with the client directly and advise approaches moving forward. After the demonstration, participants are encouraged to ask questions and make suggestions.

Schedule Pacific Time (subject to evolution)

9:45 am Sign-In
10:00 am Client Demonstration & Debrief w/ Q&A
11:15 am Tea Break
11:30 am Client Demonstration & Debrief w/ Q&A
12:45 pm SE Student/Practitioner Breakout
1:15 pm Community Lunch (included) + access to the grounds
2:45 pm Client Demonstration & Debrief w/ Q&A
4:00 pm Tea Break
4:15 pm Client Demonstration & Debrief w/ Q&A
5:30 pm Closing


  • The Full Day course is available to SE Practitioners and SE students who have completed SE Beginning I and above.

  • The PM Session is available to the general public (not a training).

  • Please go to traumahealing.org to attend the SE Introduction to SE.

  • Please honor your SE Level by practicing new SE tools with your SE peers before using them with your clients.

In-Person Location

Mercy Retreat Center in beautiful Burlingame, CA

Mercy Center offers peaceful grounds surrounded by oaks and flower gardens in the heart of the San Francisco Bay Area. Less than ten minutes from the San Francisco International Airport: Google Map

The Mercy Retreat Center is a special meeting place for nonprofit organizations and groups seeking a tranquil setting for their conference or retreat. We will be the only group studying here at this time. Their serene environment is conducive to learning and reflection.


For affordable lodging, please email info@somaticexperiencing.com.

What to Bring

  • Notepad and writing utensils

  • Clothing layers to accommodate California's coastal weather (including sunscreen/hat)

  • Items of comfort, like a small soft blanket or your favorite travel mug

*Please refrain from bringing scented products


In-person + Live-Stream Online + Recording

SE STUDENT FULL DAY SESSION In-Person: $249 - includes lunch, parking, and access to the grounds

PUBLIC PM SESSION In-Person: $167 - includes lunch, parking, and access to the grounds

(SEI Member Codes NOT valid on Consult Days)

Use code: SEPAYMENTPLAN90 to pay 10% down now, and email info@somaticexperiencing.com to arrange your payment schedule of convenience (no fee)

There are partial scholarships available to financial need BIPOC practitioners experiencing systemic racism and/or financial need practitioners working primarily with underserved populations (clinics, reservations, etc.). For submission, please email info@somaticexperiencing.com.

The registration fee is non-refundable for all programs that include a recording.

Can’t Make it live on June 5th? Register now to receive the recording - recording viewers will receive consult credit due to many time zone constraints and Dr Levine’s desire to make his consults accessible to all SE students.

Course Communications

The evening before June 5th, you will receive an email from info@somaticexperiencing.com with a LINK and PASSCODE to the PRIVATE PORTAL for this course. 


Unlimited Online Viewing of professional RECORDING - posted approximately 2-3 weeks after the course (editing time) - the Zoom recording is not the final product.

For Customer Service, please contact: info@somaticexperiencing.com

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Dr Aimie Apigian Presents: The Attachment- Health Connection Encore Weekend
to Jun 2

Dr Aimie Apigian Presents: The Attachment- Health Connection Encore Weekend

Dr Aimie Apigian Presents: The Attachment-Health Connection Encore Weekend
May 31st - June 2nd

You will learn:

  • The Critical Neurodevelopmental Gaps in Early Childhood That Contribute to Insecure Attachment

  • How Attachment and Neurodevelopment Create Chronic Illness And Which Ones

  • How to Measure Early Dysregulation Through Current Symptoms

  • Attachment, Grief, and Their Roles In Chronic Disease

  • Polyvagal Theory Applied to The Biology of Attachment and Chronic Health

  • Global High-Intensity Activation- what is it and how to recognize it

  • The Link Between Attachment and Autoimmunity 

  • The Most Common Biochemical Imbalances in those with an insecure attachment

  • The Patterns of Metabolic Chaos That a Result of Childhood Stress and Trauma

  • The Reason For The Connection Between Attachment and Chronic Fatigue

  • Assessment Forms to Assess Attachment Trauma Patterns

  • The Essential Sequence to Addressing Stored Attachment Trauma in The Body

  • How Parts Work, Somatic Work, and Even Essential Oils Can Help You Heal!

  • Helpful Labs To Order For Assessing The Impact of Early Dysregulation

This is the first groundbreaking Summit going into the Biology of Attachment including case studies, guided mind-body exercises and assessment forms. 

Presented by Dr Aimie Apigian - please click the button below for customer service.

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Ergos Presents: Conversations w/ Peter featuring Jack Kornfield
12:30 PM12:30

Ergos Presents: Conversations w/ Peter featuring Jack Kornfield


Ergos Institute Presents

Conversations w/ Peter
featuring Jack Kornfield

A Benefit Program for MathMoms

Friday, May 24th w/ Q&A
12:30pm – 2:00pm Pacific Time
ONLINE Live & Recorded

**Zoom link will be sent to your registered email 15 minutes prior to this event

Join us for a rare conversation between Peter and Jack as they discuss Peter’s new
Autobiography and their long-time connection as friends and colleagues.

This benefit program will open with a meditation led by Jack, followed by a conversation between them, and close with a Q&A session.

Jack Kornfield trained as a Buddhist monk in Thailand, India, and Burma. He holds a PhD in clinical psychology and is a founding teacher of the Insight Meditation Society in Massachusetts and Spirit Rock Center in California. He is one of the key teachers who introduced mindfulness practice to the West and has taught internationally since 1974.

His work combines the gifts of Eastern and Western psychology. He is a teacher, husband, grandfather, entrepreneur, and activist. Jack has authored 16 books that have sold 2 million copies. You can learn more about Jack at Jackkornfield.com


Suggested Donation: $25+
ALL Proceeds benefit Community Health Somatic Support for
MathMoms in Cape Town, South Africa


MathMoms and SE

Support ripple-out global healing. Help provide somatic regulation skills to members of the MathMoms community in Cape Town, South Africa. Donations allow us to offer stipends to our teachers and technical support for the 6-session online somatic support program. Ergos and Dr Levine will donate their time to this Community Health online series.

Can’t donate this time? No problem, you can register for FREE.

**Zoom link will be sent to your registered email 15 minutes prior to this event

If you have issues logging on or did not receive the link, contact us.

This program is presented by Ergos Institute

*Your registration is an agreement of confidentiality.

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The Embody Lab Presents: Healing Trauma and Restoring Wholeness with Dr. Richard Schwartz and Peter A. Levine, PhD
2:00 PM14:00

The Embody Lab Presents: Healing Trauma and Restoring Wholeness with Dr. Richard Schwartz and Peter A. Levine, PhD

The Embody Lab Presents: Healing Trauma and Restoring Wholeness with Dr. Richard Schwartz and Peter A. Levine, PhD
May 22nd

Our friends at The Embody Lab invite you to Join Richard C. Schwartz, PhD founder of Internal Family Systems (IFS) and author of No Bad Parts, and Peter A. Levine, PhD the developer of Somatic Experiencing® (SE™), with Dr. Scott Lyons, author of Addicted to Drama and founder of The Embody Lab, in this intimate online conversation to explore the power of somatics and Parts Work to release the burdens of trauma and restore wholeness!

In this 60-minute FREE online conversation you’ll explore:

👉 The relationship between your 'parts' and trauma

👉 Learn to notice from where in their body their inner critics seem to be broadcasting and understand the process that facilitates a compassionate relationship between these parts.

👉 Parts Work as radical self-compassion. How to build compassion for all parts — even the parts that cause challenges or stand in the way of giving and receiving love fully.

👉 Somatic tools to enhance resilience

👉 Techniques to access the state of Self to facilitate healing.

👉 Tips to keep grounded and openhearted in the face of the intense provocations and challenges of modern life.

👉 How to establish safety and nurturing Self-to-Self connections in individuals, couples, and families

The Embody Lab will also send out the recordings to anyone unable to join live - but you must register to receive them.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to learn directly from Richard Schwartz, PhD and Peter A. Levine, PhD - the founders of these transformational approaches to healing trauma!

Presented by The Embody Lab - please click the button below for customer service.

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Sigmund Freud University Presents: Dr Levine – A lifetime of treating and healing trauma
8:00 AM08:00

Sigmund Freud University Presents: Dr Levine – A lifetime of treating and healing trauma

Join us for an enlightening discussion on generational trauma with esteemed trauma expert Peter Levine @drpeteralevine as he presents his latest book, "An Autobiography of Trauma."

🗓 When: May 21, 2024, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM (Pacific Time) / 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM (European Time)
📍 Where: Online via ZOOM

Drawing from his clinical expertise and personal journey, Levine offers valuable insights into the enduring effects of trauma across generations. Don't miss the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of this complex phenomenon and explore effective healing strategies.

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Conscious Life & Alex Howard Group Presents: Psychedelics Super Conference
to May 26

Conscious Life & Alex Howard Group Presents: Psychedelics Super Conference

  • Psychedelics Super Conference (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Conscious Life & Alex Howard Group Presents: Psychedelics Super Conference
May 20th - 26th

This FREE online event put on by Conscious Life is hosted by Alexander Beiner, author of The Bigger Picture: How Psychedelics Can Help Us Make Sense of The World and Co-Executive Director of Breaking Convention, Europe’s largest conference on psychedelic consciousness, alongside Meagen Gibson, journalist, Emmy-nominated documentarian, and Chief Content Officer at Conscious Life.

And if you’re wondering what makes The 2024 Psychedelics Super Conference so SUPER...In addition to the illuminating expert interviews, this event includes breathwork sessions, meditations, and musical tracks intended to help generate peacefulness and expedite your healing journey. That’s 50+ total hours of life-changing content from some of the greatest minds on the planet, all 100% FREE of charge!

This FREE online event, taking place May 20th-26th, is for anyone interested in attaining non-ordinary states of consciousness—both with AND without mind-altering substances—as a means of healing deeply and fostering greater balance, clarity and peace, both personally and collectively.40+ of the greatest visionaries on the planet, including professor Rachel Yehuda, Dr Fleet Maull, Dr Pamela Kryskow, Paul Stamets, Tom Galea, Andrew Penn, Dr.Maya Shetreat, Jennifer Chesak, Dave Asprey and PaulF.Austin, just to name a few, will be coming together to speak on a fascinating range of topics:

  • Trauma

  • Indigenous plant medicine

  • Non-ordinary states

  • Meditation

  • Creativity

  • Integration and processing

  • Protocols and safetyPreparation for experiences

  • Consciousness exploration

  • Potentials in PTSD healing

  • MindfulnessMental health

  • Risks and cautions

  • Purpose of psychedelic experiences

  • History of psychedelic use

  • Non-duality

  • Harm reduction

  • Breathwork and much more

Presented by Conscious Life & Alex Howard Group - please click the button below for customer service.

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Life Architect Presents: Working Through Body Disconnection
10:30 AM10:30

Life Architect Presents: Working Through Body Disconnection

Life Architect Presents Working Through Body Disconnection: How To Help Your Clients Reconnect
Thursday, May 16th

Join Dr Levine and Hosts Vincentia Schroeter & Michael Pasterski for a Free webinar on Thursday, May 16th. Air date/time 10.30 am PT

During this webinar you will learn:
Exploring the roots of body disconnection: How trauma and stress lead to physical numbness.
Understanding body disconnection: Identifying signs of numbness caused by trauma and stress.
Introducing somatic interventions: Basic techniques to help clients begin reconnecting with their bodies.
Discussing the initial steps in using bodily awareness to aid trauma healing.

Presented by: Life Architect
If you have questions, please click the button below.

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Ian Macnaughton & Associates Presents: SE™ Master Class Eye of the Needle I w/ Ian Macnaughton, PhD & Joshua Sylvae, PhD
to May 20

Ian Macnaughton & Associates Presents: SE™ Master Class Eye of the Needle I w/ Ian Macnaughton, PhD & Joshua Sylvae, PhD

  • Polish Friendship ZGODA Society (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

SE™ Master Class: Eye of the Needle I

May 16th - 20th
Vancouver, Canada
Ergos Institute SE™ Faculty Ian Macnaughton, PhD & Joshua Sylvae, PhD

All trauma involves an encounter with threat and, hence, a touch with death. However, some individuals actually experience states of death from which they are revived. In fact, some of the deepest and seemingly most intractable trauma symptoms occur with clients who become “stuck” in these profoundly altered states of consciousness that emerged out of a near-death experience (NDE).

Every year, in the USA alone, over 50 million people undergo surgery and other invasive medical procedures, often with powerful dissociative and amnesic agents. Many individuals experience partial (or full) awakening during these procedures. These terrifying ordeals can create ruptures deep in consciousness; these often go far beyond our conscious/verbal capacity, making these traumas difficult to access and heal.

According to the Near Death Experience Research Foundation, 774 varied NDEs occur every day. Often debilitating, these same near-death experiences hold the extraordinary potential for deep, positive, and enduring personal and spiritual transformation if they receive proper guidance and support.

Dr Levine’s EOTN two-part series addresses how to apply SE principles to a variety of near-death experiences, including but not limited to: drowning, vehicular accidents, physical attacks, illness, and surgery. SE techniques applicable to a wide variety of traumatic experiences are not always sufficient to treat trauma related to NDEs, and Eye of the Needle work is vital to complex cases demanding the most dedicated and skilled practitioners of SE.

EOTN I & II Learning Objectives:

  • Cultivate and refine perceptual skills and practical tools.

  • Track autonomic nervous system shifts.

  • Develop theoretical and practical frameworks to access dissociated and dislocated altered states of consciousness and liberate problematic fixations.

  • Practice the skills needed to weave dislocated conscious (and unconscious) states together and then move through the shock core.

  • Identify surgical trauma symptoms and partial awakening states from anaesthesia.

  • Alternate approaches to working with different types of anaesthesia.

  • Using SE, recommend proper pain management and anaesthesia protocol for reducing the chances of trauma related to surgery.

  • Explore working with post ICU debilitation.

  • Resolve difficult somatic symptoms by working with NDEs.

  • Interact with the mythopoetic plane.

  • Enable authentic spiritual experiences, including NDEs.

  • Learn how to take a client intake from an individual with possible unprocessed NDE states and/or anaesthesia trauma.

This SE Master Class Includes:

  • Didactic Lecture with Q&A

  • In-depth demonstration client sessions with extensive debrief

  • Supervised triad practice and touch work

  • 2 SEI Case Consultation Faculty Supervision Credits

  • Master Level Assistants will be offering private sessions for SEI credit (not included in cost)

  • Scroll down to learn about client demonstration opportunities

  • This class does not include personal work with Dr Levine

Dates:  May 16th - 20th, 2024

Prerequisite: SEI Advanced I +

Daily Schedule (Subject to change):

  • 10:00 am – 1:00 pm

  • 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm Lunch/Break

  • 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm

SE™ Ergos Faculty:

Ian Macnaughton  MBA, PhD, FEA, SEP

Ian Macnaughton has been a teacher and practitioner of trauma resolution, mind-body and family systems psychotherapy for 50 years and is a Bodynamic Analyst and trainer.  He has worked with Somatic Experiencing since the early 70s and is Ergos Faculty for the Institute of Somatic Education.  His practice includes a high percentage of executives, medical practitioners, therapists and others in the helping professions both for psychotherapy and supervision.  He maintains an ongoing training group for clinical practitioners, as well as delivering public workshops for helping professionals.

Joshua Sylvae  PhD, SEP

Joshua’s workshops and classes are popular with psychotherapists, healers, and individuals interested in personal and societal transformation. He lectures widely on somatic psychotherapy, weaving the practice of body-oriented healing together with neuroscience, spirituality, and human ecology. He has a particular interest in fostering the growth and health of movements for social change, groups and individuals actively engaged in the campaign for ecological and social justice, and is passionate about fostering a new model of human relationships with the Earth and with each other.

Presented by: Ian Macnaughton & Associates
If you have questions, please contact Helena at helena@macnaughton.ca

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Dr Aimie Apigian Presents: The Biology of Trauma Summit
to May 20

Dr Aimie Apigian Presents: The Biology of Trauma Summit

  • Biology of Trauma Summit (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Dr Aimie Apigian Presents: The Biology of Trauma Summit
May 16th

This is a 7 day virtual event exploring the connection between attachment trauma and chronic disease and unlock the body's remarkable healing capabilities.

What is different about this summit is it addresses the biology of attachment.  You will learn not just that attachment and our physical health as adults is connected, but how.  Rather than one solution, this summit shares how to integrate several different approaches, modalities, including the biology and neurodevelopment piece of attachment!  

My good friend and colleague, Dr. Aimie Apigian is the host of this summit.  She is a double-board certified physician in Preventive Medicine (think ACEs) and Addiction Medicine.  She is the daughter of one adopted and a foster and adoptive mom herself.  

So, I want you to join me for this free online summit she has put together with world-leading trauma and attachment experts, including Gabor Mate, Steve Porges, Dick Schwartz, Peter Levine, Diane Poole-Heller and more!  

You will learn about:

  • The Critical Neurodevelopmental Gaps in Early Childhood That Contribute to Insecure Attachment

  • How Attachment and Neurodevelopment Create Chronic Illness And Which Ones

  • How to Measure Early Dysregulation Through Current Symptoms

  • Attachment, Grief, and Their Roles In Chronic Disease

  • Polyvagal Theory applied to The Biology of Attachment and Chronic Health

  • Global High-Intensity Activation- what is it and how to recognize it

  • The Link Between Attachment and Autoimmunity 

  • The Most Common Biochemical Imbalances in those with an insecure attachment

  • The Patterns of Metabolic Chaos that a Result of Childhood Stress and Trauma

  • The Reason For The Connection Between Attachment and Chronic Fatigue

  • Assessment Forms to Assess Attachment Trauma Patterns

  • The Essential Sequence to Addressing Stored Attachment Trauma in The Body

  • How Parts Work, Somatic Work, and Even Essential Oils Can Help You Heal!

  • Helpful Labs To Order For Assessing The Impact of Early Dysregulation

Presented by Dr Aimie Apigian - please click the button below for customer service.

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Peter & Gabor in Conversation For National Trauma Survivor's Day
2:00 PM14:00

Peter & Gabor in Conversation For National Trauma Survivor's Day

Barnes & Noble Presents: Peter Levine and Gabor Maté in Conversation For National Trauma Survivor’s Day

Wednesday, May 15th
2pm EST
Live on Barnes & Nobel Instagram

Join Barnes & Noble for a live conversation with Peter and Gabor as they honor National Trauma Survivor’s Day.

Presented by Barnes & Noble, please click the button below for customer service.

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Life Architect Presents: Working Through Body Disconnection
3:00 PM15:00

Life Architect Presents: Working Through Body Disconnection

Life Architect Presents: Working Through Body Disconnection
How To Help Your Clients Reconnect
Thursday, May 16th

Join Dr Levine and Hosts Vincentia Schroeter & Michael Pasterski for a Free webinar on Thursday, May 16th.  Air date/time 10.30 am PT

Working Through Body Disconnection: How to Help Your Clients Reconnect

During this webinar you will learn:
 Exploring the roots of body disconnection: How trauma and stress lead to physical numbness.
 Understanding body disconnection: Identifying signs of numbness caused by trauma and stress.
 Introducing somatic interventions: Basic techniques to help clients begin reconnecting with their bodies.
 Discussing the initial steps in using bodily awareness to aid trauma healing.


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Life Architect Presents: Working Through Body Disconnection How To Help Your Clients Reconnect
2:00 PM14:00

Life Architect Presents: Working Through Body Disconnection How To Help Your Clients Reconnect

Life Architect Presents: Working Through Body Disconnection How To Help Your Clients Reconnect
May 16th

Join Dr Levine and Hosts Vincentia Schroeter & Michael Pasterski for a Free webinar on Thursday, May 16th at 10:30am PT.

During this webinar you will learn:

Exploring the roots of body disconnection: How trauma and stress lead to physical numbness.

Understanding body disconnection: Identifying signs of numbness caused by trauma and stress.

Introducing somatic interventions: Basic techniques to help clients begin reconnecting with their bodies.

Discussing the initial steps in using bodily awareness to aid trauma healing.

Presented by Life Architect - please click the button below for customer service.

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Diesel Bookstore Presents: Join Dr Levine For A Book Signing & Discussion
3:00 PM15:00

Diesel Bookstore Presents: Join Dr Levine For A Book Signing & Discussion

Presented by Diesel Bookstore:
A Book Signing & Discussion with Dr Levine

Sunday, May 5th 3pm
Diesel Bookstore

Dive into a journey of resilience and healing with Peter A. Levine, PhD on Sunday, May 5th at Diesel Bookstore Del Mar.

Discover the powerful story behind 'An Autobiography of Trauma' and meet the author himself!

Join us at 3:00pm for a book reading, Q&A, and signing.

This event is free.
Presented by Diesel Bookstore - please click the button below for customer service.

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NICABM Presents: Mastering the Treatment of Trauma
to May 10

NICABM Presents: Mastering the Treatment of Trauma

Presented by: NICABM
Treatment of Trauma Program
Begins April 29th

If you’re a practitioner who strives to stay on the leading edge of trauma-informed treatment, it might seem like you’re hearing about a new training every day.

With so many trainings to choose from, what makes this program one that you should invest your time in?

We’ll get into how to work with the steep cost of the unlived life – a price many patients pay after they’ve experienced, and even begun to heal from trauma.

We’ve also gained new insight into how childhood neglect impacts executive function later in life (and what that means for treatment).

What researchers have found can reshape how we conceptualize cases and how we target our interventions.

We’re also understanding more about the nature – and the anguish – of moral injury, and how treating it can differ from treating PTSD in crucial ways.

The latest clinical research and evidence-backed strategies can help you achieve better outcomes, more quickly in the treatment of trauma.

We’re calling all practitioners, all over the world, to join us for the next few weeks as we dive deep into high-impact treatment strategies that can transform your approach with patients who have experienced trauma.

Presented by: NICBM please click the button below for customer service.

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Quantum Way Presents: Trauma Attach(e)ment & Resilience Summit
11:00 AM11:00

Quantum Way Presents: Trauma Attach(e)ment & Resilience Summit

The “Trauma, Attach(e)ment & Resilience” Summit returns for its fourth edition from April 3 to 16.  You'll find some of the most renowned speakers in the field of trauma, attachment theory and resilience.

Dr Levine will be speaking on April 16th at 11am.

👉 Free registration

👉 30 live talks with Q&A

👉 A dedicated Facebook group 

👉 A wealth of resources for anyone interested in this issue, both professionally and personally.

This summit is for you if you are:  

  • A healthcare professional: physician, psychotherapist, psychiatrist, psychologist, nurse, physiotherapist, speech therapist, midwife, occupational therapist, alternative or energy therapist, etc.

  • A professional involved in supportive care: coach, yoga teacher, meditation teacher, educator, social worker, emergency shelter worker, non-profit organization, etc.

  • An individual with an interest in psychology, and more specifically in trauma, attachment and resilience.

  • An individual in therapy.

All the talks take place live, and you'll be able to put your questions to the guest experts, in French or English thanks to simultaneous translation.

Presented by Quantum Way - please click the button for customer service.

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Science & Nonduality Presents: From Wounds to Wholeness w/ Dr Levine
11:00 AM11:00

Science & Nonduality Presents: From Wounds to Wholeness w/ Dr Levine

Science & Nonduality Presents:
From Wounds to Wholeness w/ Dr Levine

April 4th, 11am - 12:30pm Pacific

Trauma has a severe impact that extends far beyond the individual survivor. It ripples through families, communities, and generations in ways both seen and unseen. Yet there is a path forward — through courageously sharing our stories and tapping into the body’s innate wisdom.

Have you or someone you know experienced trauma? Do you long for a deeper sense of resolution and wholeness? Or are you a helper, healer, or curious learner seeking innovative approaches to recovery? 

Join Dr Levine, renowned trauma expert, author, and pioneer of the groundbreaking Somatic Experiencing approach, for an intimate community conversation. Peter will share insights from his new book, An Autobiography of Trauma: A Healing Journey. Together, we will explore trauma healing through the power of personal narratives and somatic-based methods. 

Peter will openly share his courageous journey to resolve severe childhood trauma by using the very techniques he developed. He will show a pathway whereby giving voice to our stories can help reclaim our dignity and wholeness and ignite an inner spark of healing.

Some topics we will explore:

  • Peter's personal path traversing childhood wounding

  • The visions that guided his life's work

  • The neurobiology of trauma and how it impacts the mind and body

  • An integrated perspective connecting neurobiology to the natural world

  • The principles of somatic-based trauma recovery

Whether you are a survivor, helper, healer, or passionate learner, this is a rare chance to connect, be inspired, and gain personal and professional wisdom.

There will be time for questions.

Presented by Science & Nonduality - please click the button for customer service.

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Book Release: Autobiography of Trauma, A Healing Journey by Dr Levine
8:00 AM08:00

Book Release: Autobiography of Trauma, A Healing Journey by Dr Levine

An Autobiography of Trauma

A Healing Journey
by Peter A Levine, PhD

In this intimate memoir, renowned developer of Somatic Experiencing Peter A. Levine shares his personal journey to healing his own severe childhood trauma and offers profound insights into the evolution of his innovative trauma healing method.

Casting himself as a modern-day Chiron, the wounded healer of Greek mythology, Dr. Levine describes, in graphic detail, the violence of his childhood juxtaposed with specific happy and exuberant memories, which helped him prepare for coming to terms with his horrifying experiences. He shares his inner experience of being guided through Somatic Experiencing (SE) to illuminate and untangle his traumatic wounds. He describes the mysterious and unexpected dreams and visions that have guided him through his life’s work. Exploring his dream visitations with Albert Einstein in depth, he explains how he came to view Einstein as his personal spirit guide and mentor and how he later discovered his own personal and profound real-life connection to him through his mother.

Describing his breakthroughs in developing Somatic Experiencing, the author details how he helped thousands of others before resolving his own trauma years later with the support of his method. He explains how the SE method is derived from his studies of wild animals in their natural environments, neurobiology, and more than 50 years of clinical observations. He describes his education and career as well as his encounters with noteworthy figures such as somaticists Charlotte Selver and Ida Rolf, ethological zoologist Nikolas Tinbergen, and autism pioneer Mira Rothenberg.

Unveiling the inner story of the man who changed the way psychologists, doctors, and healers understand and treat the wounds of trauma and abuse, this autobiography reveals how anyone suffering from trauma has a valuable story to tell. And by telling our stories, we can catalyze the return of hope, dignity, and wholeness.

Releases April 2nd, 2024

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Ergos Institute: Imiloa Retreat - Bodywork for Developmental Trauma w/ Dr Levine + team
to Mar 25

Ergos Institute: Imiloa Retreat - Bodywork for Developmental Trauma w/ Dr Levine + team

9 Night Costa Rican Retreat - lowest pricing available now
Join us for an immersive healing experience at the Imiloa Institute in the Costa Rican Rainforest. Dr Levine, the developer of Somatic Experiencing® (SE™), and his team of SE Practitioners and expert Facilitators will support self-exploration through group work, individual bodywork sessions, and guided therapeutic practices to stimulate healing and transformation. Daily opportunities for guided meditations, content integration, movement, nature exploration, and onsite activities. All-inclusive Pricing Includes Retreat Offerings + Private Sessions w/ SEPs + Special Imiloa Activities + Gourmet Plant-Based Meals + 9-night Lodging + Hopper Plane from SJO Airport to the Imiloa Campus + Pre and Post Retreat Online Gatherings & Programming. Click the link above to learn more.

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