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SE Montreal Presents: SE™ Master Class Eye of the Needle II w/ Dave Berger

SE™ Master Class: Eye of the Needle II

w/ Ergos Institute SE™ Faculty Dave Berger

May 16th - 20th, 2025

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

In-Person Only

Eye of the Needle I
This is a two-part course. This is part two.

2 SEI Case Consultation Faculty Supervision Credits

About this Two-Part Series

All trauma involves an encounter with threat and, hence, a touch with death. However, some individuals actually experience states of death from which they are revived. In fact, some of the deepest and seemingly most intractable trauma symptoms occur with clients who become “stuck” in these profoundly altered states of consciousness that emerged out of a near-death experience (NDE).

Every year, in the USA alone, over 50 million people undergo surgery and other invasive medical procedures, often with powerful dissociative and amnesic agents. Many individuals experience partial (or full) awakening during these procedures. These terrifying ordeals can create ruptures deep in consciousness; these often go far beyond our conscious/verbal capacity, making these traumas difficult to access and heal.

According to the Near Death Experience Research Foundation, 774 varied NDEs occur every day. Often debilitating, these same near-death experiences hold the extraordinary potential for deep, positive, and enduring personal and spiritual transformation if they receive proper guidance and support.

The EOTN two-part series addresses how to apply SE principles to a variety of near-death experiences, including but not limited to drowning, vehicular accidents, physical attacks, illness, and surgery. SE techniques applicable to a wide variety of traumatic experiences are not always sufficient to treat trauma related to NDEs, and Eye of the Needle work is vital to complex cases demanding the most dedicated and skilled practitioners of SE.

Learning Objectives

  • Identify the indicators of shifts in the autonomic nervous system

  • Prepare clients for accessing states of shock

  • Assess fixations or triggers related to altered states of consciousness

  • Prepare clients for reexperiencing altered states of consciousness

  • Describe Somatic Experiencing techniques for working with dissociation

  • List the symptoms of trauma related to surgery

  • Predict strategies for preventing future trauma occurring after surgery

  • Design Somatic Experiencing sessions for accessing dissociated procedural memories

  • Describe approaches for working with altered states of consciousness under anesthesia

  • Discuss pain management strategies from Somatic Experiencing

  • Assess the impacts of any partial awakening under anesthesia

  • Analyze the effects of post-intensive care syndrome

  • Design Somatic Experiencing sessions for accessing near-death experiences

  • Describe how syndromes and other physical symptoms can be related to near-death experiences

  • Discuss the mythopoetic plane, and how the psyche symbolizes unprocessed events

  • Assess unconscious influences on conscious experience after near-death experiences

  • Utilize spiritual experiences in renegotiating near-death experiences

  • Explain how patterns in the body are involved in the maintenance of trauma symptoms



Practice 〰️

This SE Master Class Includes

  • Didactic Lecture with Q&A

  • Supervised triad practice and touch work, including table use

  • In-depth demonstration client sessions with extensive debriefing

  • 2 SEI Case Consultation Faculty Supervision Credits

  • Master Level SE™ Assistants will be offering private sessions for SEI credit (not included in class cost)

  • A bonus demo recording of Dr Levine working with an EOTN II client

Client Demonstrations w/ Ergos SE Faculty

STUDENTS - Do you have a client you are struggling to support? 
Please discuss this opportunity with your client and, if they agree, email the program host to have them considered for a live, on-site demonstration (no cost). Submissions are for in-person live demos with the client and student/practitioner present.

*Please center the case around the course content.
*Please have a minimum of two sessions with your client prior and be available for follow-up.

Live Demonstration Format  
The student will introduce the client’s case history and discuss the work they've been doing and where they might be struggling. The faculty member will work with the client directly and advise approaches moving forward. After the demonstration, other participants are encouraged to ask questions and make suggestions.

The Ergos Institute of Somatic Education is not managing this course. Please email the host for information.